Hanging by a thread!

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Friend Decorates My Life

Linda: I had a cool thing happen to me this morning. I was sitting in my office and looked up at two new pictures hanging on my wall. Those two pictures weren't there an hour ago. Earlier this morning, I called my friend and asked her to bop over to my office and help me figure out where to hang the new pictures she helped me pick out. One of the benefits of our friendship is that Kathy's my interior decorator. She has helped me decorate my last office and the current one. What a blast we have had picking paint colors, shopping at the flea market for framed mirrors, hanging pictures, and even picking out pillows for my couch. Kathy watches lots of design shows so she's "in the know!" And she absolutely loves rearranging furniture. Every time I go to her house I find that something has been moved...maybe a picture, a piece of furniture, even down to the toilet paper holder in the bathroom.

My friend has not only helped me decorate my office but in a lot of ways she's helped me decorate my life. Kathy makes my life more beautiful. She has helped me rearrange things in me by moving things out and moving things in. "This goes here but doesn't look good there." Yep, we're talking unsightly blemishes, character flaws, ugly attitudes...need I say more? There's a great little verse in the Bible that goes like this, " As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other" (Prov 27:17 NCV) Because I have developed trust and confidence in her, I have invited her to make me aware of my blind spots. She see's things I don't, and she definitely has a different perspective than I do most of the time. This works both ways. I do the same for her. Don't get the wrong impression, she doesn't try to change me, nor I her. It just happens by being around each other. Her good ways influence mine and mine influence hers. I love how my friend decorates my life!

Friend coaching tip: Invite a trusted friend to decorate your life...in more ways than one!

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